October 26, 2020
Now What?

Tegan Miller

Here are three tips to help you jumpstart your path to incredible awesome-ness!

So you've decided to go after your dreams. YAY! WOO HOO! YEE HAW!

Now what?

Well the good news is, now that you've decided to get drop dead serious about living the life you want to live, the universe is like "I see you, boo." But if you think you can just lay on the couch binge watch-crying Married at First Sight and your dreams will just fall into your lap, then you have another thing coming, broseph. (Ew. I'm sorry I called you that).

Ok, you've alerted the universe with your neon-sign like announcement that you're ready. YES! AMEN! HALLELUJAH!

But again...now what?

Well the universe is cool and she'll help you out (Yep. The universe is a badass woman), but like I said, she's a badass. She's not here to hold your hand or to give you handouts; She's here to respond to you, lift you up, and kick you in the tuchus when you need it. (I felt like I shouldn't say "ass" for a third time).

So my friends, (and imagine the universe clapping with each of these words) 👏🏻 YOU. 👏🏻 gotta.👏🏻 do. 👏🏻 the. 👏🏻 work.

That's right. This means Obama-style-fired-up-ready-to-go work. This means nothing-will-stand-in-my-way work. This means slay-honey-slay WERK. (That one is just for fun 🤗) This means you do the work because you are so absolutely IN LOVE with your dream and achieving it.

Oooh I'm fired up too! So, here are three tips to help you jumpstart your path to incredible awesome-ness.

1. Tell Negative Nancy to shut it.

Yep. We all have her in our head. She may moonlight as your mother, that bully named Paul from third grade, or maybe even your very own voice, but she has NEVER paid rent for that space in your brain. So kick her to the curb! And how do you do that? Well listen to your ole southern grandma's advice: kill her with kindness of course. Take the those negative words she likes to spew, (especially at 3am amiright?), and turn them right around on her!

"You will never make it" becomes "I will make it with hard work"

"You are a talentless loser" becomes "I have many talents that will help me win!"

"You're crazy for even trying" becomes "I'm crazy in love with my dream and I can't wait to try!"

And if you have to have a stern talkin' to with Miss Negative Pants, do it! Just thank her for trying to help, but tell her she is no longer needed and that rent check is WAY PAST DUE. You're drop dead serious about achieving your goals after all and sometimes that means having tough convos. But you got this!

2. Combat overwhelm by narrowing your focus.

I get it. I get overwhelmed thinking about being overwhelmed. But why are we usually in that crushing cycle of to-dos? Fear of failure. BUT you've already decided to turn it around on that 'ole windbag Nancy so that's a good start! Today you're standing up to fear and today, you're making a list.

As my good friend, Monica Bertrand said to me while we were in the throws of studying for finals, multiple concerts, and lack of sleep in grad school,

"Don't panic. Make a plan."

Best advice anyone has ever given me and now I'm passing it on to you. Every time I feel overwhelmed, I hear Monica's voice in my head. You can steal her voice too if you want. Or maybe have it come from that bully Paul. Wouldn't that be a fun turn of events?!

But seriously, make a list. Start small. Even if that means crossing off one thing a day. You can do this. You've got a plan!

3. Be consistent but be a human.

This one is a toughy. It's hard to stay consistent, especially if you've got a creative brain and your brain is a lot like mine, (SUNSHINE, RAINBOWS, OH LOOK THERE ARE PUPPIES TO PLAY WITH, LETS GO RIDE BIKES!) You'll have to figure out what works for you, but we all can relate to one singular thing.

We are ALL human.

Please remember this and give yourself some grace. Humans have limits and humans make mistakes. And humans will certainly find it hard to be consistent if you're trying to do too much at once. Remember that amazing list you made in step #2? Baby steps, friends. Baby steps. Figure out what you're capable of actually accomplishing and be realistic with yourself. Most of all, don't become a negative nancy when you push yourself past your limits, because it will happen, but this my friends is how we learn.

Alright. You've got some work to do. Are you ready to get started? Buckle up human. You are a badass too. (Oops...) This is going to be FUN. 

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Now What?

Tegan Miller

Here are three tips to help you jumpstart your path to incredible awesome-ness!
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